Earlier this month I did a post on some of my new year's resolutions. Everyone has their own and I wanted to make a few of my own.
One of my goals was to get more sleep. This still needs to improve because while I find myself going to bed earlier, I still don't get enough to not feel groggy in the morning. I have gotten very used to staying up late so this has been a hard one to break.
One thing I have improved on is eating breakfast in the morning. This was a hard habit to change because I was so used to getting up, getting dressed, and leaving for school right away. I would run out the door without eating anything and this became so much of a habit that I didn't even realize I was doing it. But I would constantly be hungry at school during the day before lunch, so much that I couldn't concentrate. I would pack snacks to eat in my bag before lunch, but most of them would be processed food which might have filled me up, but it wasn't good for me.
Lately I've been breaking the bad habit by waking up every morning and making myself a smoothie. I only have to wake up about 10-15 minutes earlier to make time for this and it has been well worth it. I feel better all day because I have real food in my stomach instead of a granola bar or a pop tart.
In my smoothies I like to use frozen fruit so that I don't have to use ice. I feel like ice makes the smoothie watery so I picked up bag of frozen mixed fruit from the grocery store. It has a variety of fruit (Mango, pineapple, strawberry, and peach) so it doesn't get boring. The bag was about $15 and will last me a solid 2 weeks, maybe even 3. The other good thing about frozen fruit compared to fresh is that it doesn't go bad for much longer because it's kept in the freezer. I love the taste of fresh fruit, but it's expensive and has to be eaten quickly or else it goes bad.
I also love adding some plain vanilla yogurt. Yogurt is one of my favorite breakfast foods and I eat it all throughout the day. You can buy large containers that will last for a while in stead of buying individuals and just throw in a few spoonfuls into the blender. I find that this helps blend the frozen fruit together easier as well. It also gives the smoothie some substance and keeps me from feeling hungrier longer. I use plain vanilla, but you can add different flavors to mix it up.
I drink the smoothie while I get ready in the morning. I think I have found myself a new life long morning habit.
Word count: 486
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