Sunday, January 11, 2015

This is kind of about me

Everyone I know has been sitting down to do there "New year's  resolutions." I have a few as well.
One thing I am eager to make a goal for the coming year is eating in the morning. I make the excuse that I don't have time, but I spend the whole day complaining about how hungry I am until lunch comes. It's become a bad habit I have yet to shake, until now. I'm making the goal to eat every morning. Not just a granola bar on my way out the door or a banana in the car. I want to take the time to sit down and eat break fest like a civilized person. I feel like this is a good way to start everyday and I encourage everyone to take it upon themselves as well to make an effort. It only takes 22 days to build a habit, start tomorrow and by the end of January you'll be making breakfast like a pro.
Along with eating in the early morning, comes getting up earlier, and along with that comes going to bed earlier. I'm setting myself a 10:30pm bedtime on all school nights. This will probably be one of the hardest because I am a night owl and have been for many years, but it really is starting to effect me negatively so I am taking it upon myself to change to bad habit to good! Generally the alarm beeps at 6:45, which would be the latest I can manage to get ready. The new alarm time is bright and early at 6:15, giving me a little less than 8 hours; a very healthy amount of sleep for a teenager.
There are so many benefits (immediate benefits I might add) that come with early to bed, early to rise. Give it a try for a week and see how your lifestyle is positively impacted immediately. I will report back on this as the year progresses.
This year has only just begun and there are so many ways and things to improve on.

Word count: 347

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