Sunday, January 11, 2015

Face off

One of the many struggles of being a girl is not only which products to use, but what brand. I personally struggle with this whenever I go to the drugstore to pick up a new shampoo or foundation. I rarely go into this type of situation without doing my research, for example reading reviews on the product online or watching videos from my trusted beauty vloggers on youtube.
Shannon is one of my favorite bloggers to watch. She has a YouTube channel (like many other girls) that is devoted specifically to product reviews, hauls, and makeup tutorials. She is one of my go to's when I need a review on a product I'm looking into to buy because she stays up to date on brands with new products coming out.
Today I'm doing my own review, where I'm taking two of my favorite and most trusted face products and putting them head to head in a comparison show down.
The topic today is moisturizer, and were going to be comparing Clean and Clear's Advantage Acne Control moisturizer (my winter favorite) with Aveeno's Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer (my summer favorite.)
What I love about C & C is that they have products that are oil free, and devoted a special line to help treat and prevent acne. This product feels good on the skin and doesn't leave you feeling oily like some moisturizers do. But it also doesn't leave my skin feeling tight, however if you have just washed or exfoliated your face, it can take a few extra pumps (especially in the winter time) to get your face fully hydrated. They also only sell this product in a $ oz. bottle, which I go through in less than 2 months. I wish they sold a larger size.
Next, Aveeno has a good product for summertime because they actually joined your daily moisturizer with sunscreen to help protect you from the harmful rays. It has SPF 30, which is pretty high for a daily use product. This is good and bad because while it can help you prevent sunburn, it will make your face appear whiter in pictures because if how it reflects a flash. This product can also make your skin feel oily and shiny, so it works best for people who tend to get dryness even in humidity. I take this product with me to the beach and pool and use it on my face as well as my body.
Both products have their ups and downs but I would say Clean and Clear is My favorite go to product for daily use.

Word count: 438

Beauty pet peeves

I like to consider myself fairly knowledgeable when it comes to things in the beauty category (Makeup, hair, etc.) I have spend most of my teenage years learning the do's and don'ts through experience, watching beauty blogs on YouTube, and television.
So when I see someone doing something that "violates the beauty code," I cringe. I don't like to rant, but sometimes it must be done.
When I go to get myself ready in the morning, one of the things I have mastered is my daily makeup routine. When I chose to wear makeup, I have a solid routine that I follow everyday. I almost do it without thinking.
One of my major pet peeves is when people put on liquid foundation without setting it with powder. This is especially important if you have oily skin. It looks cakey and shiny on the skin and will not stay in place or last as long as if it were set. I hate to see people do this when it is so easy to take a setting power with a fluffy brush and finish your face so quickly.
Another pet peeve of mine is when people wear extremely thick eyeliner. I understand that it can be trendy, but for everyday wear, I think natural is best. Winging out a huge cat-eye look can be fun for a party or other special event, but is not appropriate for school or work in my opinion.
My next pet peeve is when people let their eyebrows get out of control. I take the time to make sure mine are nicely "groomed," because I treat them like my hair. My hair needs to be cut every few months, my eyebrows need to be tended to every few days. Taking a few minutes with tweezers and a mirror makes all the difference.
My last pet peeve has to do with eyelashes. They are beautiful and they are work. When people don't use an eyelash curler before putting on mascara and decide to use it after, I want to rip out my hair. That is a huge no. You are pretty much asking for your eyelashes to fall out, or be ripped out by your eyelash curler. I'm also not a fan of huge spider eyelashes. Some people may disagree with me, but if you are using 5 layers of mascara on a daily basis, you may want to start thinking about the less is more rule.

Word count: 410

This is kind of about me

Everyone I know has been sitting down to do there "New year's  resolutions." I have a few as well.
One thing I am eager to make a goal for the coming year is eating in the morning. I make the excuse that I don't have time, but I spend the whole day complaining about how hungry I am until lunch comes. It's become a bad habit I have yet to shake, until now. I'm making the goal to eat every morning. Not just a granola bar on my way out the door or a banana in the car. I want to take the time to sit down and eat break fest like a civilized person. I feel like this is a good way to start everyday and I encourage everyone to take it upon themselves as well to make an effort. It only takes 22 days to build a habit, start tomorrow and by the end of January you'll be making breakfast like a pro.
Along with eating in the early morning, comes getting up earlier, and along with that comes going to bed earlier. I'm setting myself a 10:30pm bedtime on all school nights. This will probably be one of the hardest because I am a night owl and have been for many years, but it really is starting to effect me negatively so I am taking it upon myself to change to bad habit to good! Generally the alarm beeps at 6:45, which would be the latest I can manage to get ready. The new alarm time is bright and early at 6:15, giving me a little less than 8 hours; a very healthy amount of sleep for a teenager.
There are so many benefits (immediate benefits I might add) that come with early to bed, early to rise. Give it a try for a week and see how your lifestyle is positively impacted immediately. I will report back on this as the year progresses.
This year has only just begun and there are so many ways and things to improve on.

Word count: 347