It seems like these days it can be hard to have self confidence with all of the media telling us how we should look. And as time passes the situation gets worse and worse for people (girls specifically) at younger and younger ages. I read an article about this controversy and it made me sad.
I remember when I was little, I didn't worry about things like my weight or hair color, I was happy with who I was in general. 13 year old girls should be having fun growing up, not constantly worrying if their appearance fits some kind of mold. Girls are being pushed by the media to transform themselves so that others will like them, and it's causing insecurities that don't need to exist.
The truth is the girls in the magazines don't even look like the girls in the magazines. Photoshop can be deceiving, and even troublesome for girls who are already insecure about themselves.
When I look at my sister, a 13 year old in the 7th grade, I see a whole different person than who I was back then. I like to think she is just taking after me, but in reality she's taking after the media, wearing smaller tighter clothes that are more revealing, complaining about the way her thighs look. She is 13. She has the world at her feet, just like all of these other girls who are too busy looking in the mirror hating what they see to realize that the reflection only tells a small fraction of the story of the person they really are.
I may sound hypocritical as I blog about appearance being superficial one moment and the best products to keep your hair in tact the next, but the truth is, feeling beautiful isn't about trying to look like the people in magazines, or changing who you are, it's about what makes you feel confident.
Its waring bright colors because it makes you happy. This day in age, self confidence is the best beauty product any girl can have.
Word count: 347
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