I have mentioned E.F. Fitness's blog before in a post, and today I'm talking about music.
Emilie did a great blog on music for workouts, stuff that helps you get pumped for a run. I enjoyed reading through it and, incidentally, it inspired this blog post, which will be about songs that I listen to in the morning to get me ready for the day.
Yes, I am one of those people who can't get up and get ready without blasting my Spotify play list I created especially for getting dressed on a school day. Actually I am one of those people who has a Spotify play list for every occasion; car rides, working on school assignments, sleeping. You name it, I have it. And if I haven't created it myself, chances are it available in the browse section of the app.
I do tend to go in spurts of what I listen to, what artists I am "in love with," which is one of the main reasons I shell out $10 each month on my Spotify subscription. Its not worth it for me to pay for music on iTunes because I cycle through what I listen to so quickly. I can download the music i want at the time, and then when I'm done, delete it, all for only $10. Now I'm not trying to sell you on Spotify, although I have converted my of my friends and family members. But it is a great tool for discovering new music.
In the morning I tend to go for up beat indie and pop songs to get me in a good mood.
I have a few songs from the new One Direction album, even though at first I wasn't a fan, it's growing on me. They are up beat and fun to jam to in the morning. Classic 21st century pop.
I have a few today's hits type songs like Stolen dance by Milky Chance and some 5SOS, although I tend to stay away from songs I typically hear on the radio on the drive to school because I don't enjoy hearing the same music over and over, no matter how good it is.
I recently discovered a group called Branches, which is a more mellow type of (I would classify as folk rock) music. Good for morning tunes, but not something I would listen to all the time.
I also have been loving a song by Blind Melon called No Rain. Kind of a throw back, something my dad would listen to, but I have no shame.
Word count: 429
Sunday, December 21, 2014
How I avoid dry skin around the holidays (and all the time)
It's the best time of the year, family gets together and lots of gifts are exchanged. But most of all when I think of the holidays, I think of pictures. Family photos where everyone gathers around the tree. The "I just unwrapped a gift we have to document the moment" pictures. And I hate looking back at old photos and thinking "Wow I look awful." Especially since I tend to have dry and sometimes problematic skin when winter rolls around.
I have a few key go to's to make sure my skin is photo ready during the holidays.
The first thing I do is exfoliate, but not too much. I use a simple apricot scrub that has large particles to help get the dead skin off of the first layer on my face. I generally do this in the morning when I shower around 2 to 3 times a week. If I do it more than that, it's going to hurt me more than help me because it will dry out my skin even more.
I like to do this because it gets rid of the dead skin cells so my skin can breathe and it makes my skin much smoother so I don't have to apply as much makeup and my makeup goes on smoother, looking more natural.
The next thing I do is use a daily moisturizer every time I expose my skin to water. Water dries out your skin because it strips away your natural oils your skin posses so replacing these with those from a moisturizer will help avoid flakiness and feeling like your skin is stiff, tight, and vulnerable.
I use a moisturizer from Clean And Clear that you can pick up at Wal-Mart for $6. It also contains salicylic acid to help control acne. Any drug store moisturizer works pretty well, it really comes down to personal preference and your personal skin type. :)
I hope these tips will help you out with keeping your skin photo ready during the holidays.
Word count: 338
I have a few key go to's to make sure my skin is photo ready during the holidays.
The first thing I do is exfoliate, but not too much. I use a simple apricot scrub that has large particles to help get the dead skin off of the first layer on my face. I generally do this in the morning when I shower around 2 to 3 times a week. If I do it more than that, it's going to hurt me more than help me because it will dry out my skin even more.
I like to do this because it gets rid of the dead skin cells so my skin can breathe and it makes my skin much smoother so I don't have to apply as much makeup and my makeup goes on smoother, looking more natural.
The next thing I do is use a daily moisturizer every time I expose my skin to water. Water dries out your skin because it strips away your natural oils your skin posses so replacing these with those from a moisturizer will help avoid flakiness and feeling like your skin is stiff, tight, and vulnerable.
I use a moisturizer from Clean And Clear that you can pick up at Wal-Mart for $6. It also contains salicylic acid to help control acne. Any drug store moisturizer works pretty well, it really comes down to personal preference and your personal skin type. :)
I hope these tips will help you out with keeping your skin photo ready during the holidays.
Word count: 338
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
This probably won't be the last time I blog about this
I have been reading some of E.F Fitness's blogs on sports lately. In one blog she talks about how stressful competitive sports have become for our generation. When I read this I thought about how true this is for me and people I know, especially in high school when sports like football and basketball become a huge deal. Even people who don't compete get extremely enthusiatic and almost overboard competitive about who wins and who loses. Even the school staff get involved.
Of course this isn't necesarily a bad thing. I mean encouraging the kids at school to go to the basketball game to support their peer's team is great. It creates a sense of school spirit and unity for all the students, even those who don't compete. Everyone goes, we all have a good time it's great... unless we lose.
Losing in this sense meaning scoring less points than the opposing school, failing to get the big "W". But did we really lose?
These days, competing just isn't enough for some people, and maybe it's been this way for so long none of us really notice it's happening. We grow up in this ruthlessly competitive world where you either have to be the best at something or not be it at all. We forget that as a school we can compete and "win", without winning, without beating the other team. Working together as a team and scoring a goal, making a basket, giving eachother a highfive after a great play.. all "wins".
Something that happened to me the other day that really rubbed me the wrong way was when my tennis coach started a conversation about pro tennis players who spend their whole lives perfecting the sport. First he started with how hard it was to go pro, all the time and devotion needed to excel, how much money the pros actaully make, etc. But then the conversation took a turn. It was somehow now about me, and how since I only play once a week in the off season for an hour, I'm really not in the running to become a pro player.
Of course I'm not going to drop out of school and spend 6 hours a day practicing, playing matches.. But he made me feel like because I wasn't willing to do that, that somehow I was less of a tennis player than people who spend their lives devoted to going pro. That I wasn't ever going to be at the level I could be at, that I wasn't being competitive enough.
I didn't say anything, but I wanted to.
Why am I so limited because I chose not to be competitive in the way other people are?
Why can't I just play a sport for fun anymore? Is that not a good enough reason to do something you love, just because you love it. Why do I have to play to win, instead of just playing to play once and a while?
Think about that.
Word count: 500
Of course this isn't necesarily a bad thing. I mean encouraging the kids at school to go to the basketball game to support their peer's team is great. It creates a sense of school spirit and unity for all the students, even those who don't compete. Everyone goes, we all have a good time it's great... unless we lose.
Losing in this sense meaning scoring less points than the opposing school, failing to get the big "W". But did we really lose?
These days, competing just isn't enough for some people, and maybe it's been this way for so long none of us really notice it's happening. We grow up in this ruthlessly competitive world where you either have to be the best at something or not be it at all. We forget that as a school we can compete and "win", without winning, without beating the other team. Working together as a team and scoring a goal, making a basket, giving eachother a highfive after a great play.. all "wins".
Something that happened to me the other day that really rubbed me the wrong way was when my tennis coach started a conversation about pro tennis players who spend their whole lives perfecting the sport. First he started with how hard it was to go pro, all the time and devotion needed to excel, how much money the pros actaully make, etc. But then the conversation took a turn. It was somehow now about me, and how since I only play once a week in the off season for an hour, I'm really not in the running to become a pro player.
Of course I'm not going to drop out of school and spend 6 hours a day practicing, playing matches.. But he made me feel like because I wasn't willing to do that, that somehow I was less of a tennis player than people who spend their lives devoted to going pro. That I wasn't ever going to be at the level I could be at, that I wasn't being competitive enough.
I didn't say anything, but I wanted to.
Why am I so limited because I chose not to be competitive in the way other people are?
Why can't I just play a sport for fun anymore? Is that not a good enough reason to do something you love, just because you love it. Why do I have to play to win, instead of just playing to play once and a while?
Think about that.
Word count: 500
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Packing for travel
I recently returned from a 3 day excursion to Disney world in Orlando. Normally when I go to pack I pull out the big rolling suitcase paired with my duffle bag that barely fits beneath the seat in front of me on the airplane. This time the only price of luggage I brought was one regular old backpack. I decided to do this for many reasons. One was because the trip was only three days and I didn't like the idea of carrying large amounts of unnecessary baggage around the airport for such a short trip. The other was that when I restrict myself to such a small bag, it really allows me to minimize the crap I bring that I don't need because I have to think carefully about what's really important, and what can be left behind. Normally I severely overpack for trips like these when it comes to clothing, but this trip I only packed the bare essentials. 2 pair of walking shoes, one that can be worn with socks, is all I needed. I can wear them more than once and I chose a pair that could go with every outfit I packed. Two pairs of nice looking casual shorts and one pair of athletic shorts, good for walking around the park when it gets warm. For layering I packed two pair of neutral sweatpants that I could wear on top of one another and two layerable sweatshirts, one long sleeve T- shirt and one short sleeve T-shirt and I was covered. All of these articles of clothing could be folded carefully to find in my backpack (minus what I wore to the airport) and leave enough room for my liquids bag and makeup bag.
I found that when I added up all the extra things I needed to throw in to "survive" the next few days, I still have plenty of wiggle room. My sister on the other hand lugged her giant suitcase and and extra bag with her and still managed to forget things along the way. She also didn't pack the most effective clothing for the weather. (Heads up, even Florida can get kind of chilly in December, so bring sweat pants, always.) Each of my family members packing the same way as my sister made getting on and off of the plane quickly to catch a plane during a short layover almost impossible and I ended up lugging my dad's giant suitcase around the airport half the time because I had nothing else to carry.
Bonus travel tip: if you are traveling with other people, save space in your liquids/toiletries bag by sharing things such as toothpaste, floss, a hairbrush, contact solution, and lotion. I learned this during this trip.
After the trip was over, all of my family members concluded that packing light was definitely the way to go, especially after I only took a few minutes to get my things together at the hotel before being ready to head out the door. Not to mention how easy it is to walk around and get food/ go to the bathroom or whatever you need to get done while carrying your luggage with you if you can just strap it onto your back.
Hopefully next time you travel you will remember to pack light to make your trip more enjoyable.
WC: 557
WC: 557
Fashion advice for a day in the amusement park
When it comes to walking around an amusement park, you need just the right mix of style and versatility so you don't look obnoxious, but also don't wish you would have worn something more comfortable or appropriate. This weekend while I was in Orlando, we did a whole lot of walking around the parks at Disney World. Luckily I packed well because even in Florida during the winter, temps can hover in the low 40's until about 11am, so you can't just walk outside in shorts and a T-shirt and expect to not get cold. My parents warned me about this so I made sure to pack layerable clothing. This means not just shorts and I big puffy coat, but chosing many smaller clothing items to "stack" if you get cold and peel off if you get warm. For example, if it's a cool morning and you won't be back to the room to change but you know it will be warmer later in the day, try something like a long sleeve T-shirt, a pullover, shorts and sweatpants. You can take off the pullover and sweatpants when the temp rises and throw them in a backpack with all of your other stuff. Plus, they make great spur of the moment things to sit on when you can find a chair and want to sit on the ground.
Next, good walking shoes are a must, there are no exceptions. It doesn't matter how cute your new heels are that's a 'NO'. Shoes that can be worn with socks a better because you can avoid blisters. You'll thank yourself for this later. Chose a pair that you know you've spent a good deal of time walking in already so you're not trying to break in a new pair the day of your vacation. I wore birks with socks for 90% or my trip because they are the most comfortable shoes I own.
And of course, if you check the for art and it says sunny, bring a hat, sunglasses and some good sunscreen that can be used on the face. If you stare in the sun all day you'll only end up with a killer headache so don't go there. Just save yourself from having to take the pain pills and put on the shades.
Ok! Now you're an expert and ready to take on the amusement park in style and comfort!
Word Count: 401
Word Count: 401
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
School Uniforms?
Some school officials debate over whether a strict dress code should be enforced at their school. When it comes to the students, the argument is split. Some students enjoy the regulation because it eliminates the need to fit in with certain clothing trends and reduces the amount of money needed to spend on clothes for school. On the other hand, not being able to have their own style and express themselves bothers a lot of people. They argue that they should be free to wear what they please to school, as long as it doesn't violate obvious common sense dress code rules like being too tight or too revealing.
In my opinion, kids should have the freedom to choose what to wear to school. Picking out clothes is part of becoming who you are and finding you identity. When you open up a person's closet, it can say a lot about who they are. A person with a more conservative wardrobe could be more timid during social interactions, and someone who has clothing on the more edgy side could be more outgoing and fun to interact with. On the other hand, someone who isn't as social may use the way they dress as a way to express their personality, interests, and who they are.
Having a school uniform would take away that ability to feel they can truly be who they are at school and feeling constrained in a place where creativity plays a large role in learning doesn't sound like a good idea.
But although this is true, there are benefits to such strict dress codes. While being a carbon copy of your classmates can effect your individuality, it would cut down on bullying. Being different than your peers in appearance is a huge cause of insecurities and can lead to rude comments and, in turn, low self esteem. Wearing school uniforms can help students feel like they fit in with the crowd and that they are one person of a larger group.
There are good arguments for both sides, but I have to lean towards the side of creativity and self expression. The clothing I wear plays a huge role in showing who I am as a person. I wouldn't be able to live with a dress code because I wake up every morning excited to choose what I'm going to wear to school and I don't want that to change.
Word count: 403
In my opinion, kids should have the freedom to choose what to wear to school. Picking out clothes is part of becoming who you are and finding you identity. When you open up a person's closet, it can say a lot about who they are. A person with a more conservative wardrobe could be more timid during social interactions, and someone who has clothing on the more edgy side could be more outgoing and fun to interact with. On the other hand, someone who isn't as social may use the way they dress as a way to express their personality, interests, and who they are.
Having a school uniform would take away that ability to feel they can truly be who they are at school and feeling constrained in a place where creativity plays a large role in learning doesn't sound like a good idea.
But although this is true, there are benefits to such strict dress codes. While being a carbon copy of your classmates can effect your individuality, it would cut down on bullying. Being different than your peers in appearance is a huge cause of insecurities and can lead to rude comments and, in turn, low self esteem. Wearing school uniforms can help students feel like they fit in with the crowd and that they are one person of a larger group.
There are good arguments for both sides, but I have to lean towards the side of creativity and self expression. The clothing I wear plays a huge role in showing who I am as a person. I wouldn't be able to live with a dress code because I wake up every morning excited to choose what I'm going to wear to school and I don't want that to change.
Word count: 403
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Should we care about parabens?
Take a second to think about your daily routine, starting from when you get up in the morning. You probably shower; shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash. You get out and apply deodorant, lotion, facial moisturizer. Chances are if you are an average female you use a dozen products every day without even thinking about it. We rely on these products everyday, but certain ingredients have become controversial over whether or not they can cause long term health problems. But should we really be that worried?
It seems to me that every time we turn around, the F.D.A. throws something else at us that we are doing wrong daily that could potentially have long term negative effects, it's exhausting. And the raised awareness of harmful chemicals in beauty products has caused less and less brands to even list the ingredients on the bottle. If you want to learn more about what types of things to look out for, I found a great article that talks about it. http://www.youbeauty.com/health/beauty-chemicals
They make good arguments against certain chemicals, but for the most part the claims don't have enough evidence to prove they actually can cause cancer or disrupt your endocrine system, but the idea that things you are applying directly to your skin could be hurting you is really scary. I don't usually think about this as I rub on my lotion or apply my shampoo. I don't even bother to read the labels for products like that because you assume everything you are buying at the grocery or beauty supply store is safe to use and has been tested.
In my opinion, I think the hype over harmful chemicals in beauty products is being taken too far. And even if it is possible to see affects on the body, I don't think it is nearly as severe as they make it out to be. Companies that advertise products to be paraben and BPA free seem to be trendy, sort of like its trendy to eat healthier. It seems like people are avoiding certain chemicals in beauty products like they avoid certain foods in a diet. At the end of the day, I think you should read more than one article or hear one news story before deciding something is truly harmful and worth avoiding.
Word count: 382
It seems to me that every time we turn around, the F.D.A. throws something else at us that we are doing wrong daily that could potentially have long term negative effects, it's exhausting. And the raised awareness of harmful chemicals in beauty products has caused less and less brands to even list the ingredients on the bottle. If you want to learn more about what types of things to look out for, I found a great article that talks about it. http://www.youbeauty.com/health/beauty-chemicals
They make good arguments against certain chemicals, but for the most part the claims don't have enough evidence to prove they actually can cause cancer or disrupt your endocrine system, but the idea that things you are applying directly to your skin could be hurting you is really scary. I don't usually think about this as I rub on my lotion or apply my shampoo. I don't even bother to read the labels for products like that because you assume everything you are buying at the grocery or beauty supply store is safe to use and has been tested.
In my opinion, I think the hype over harmful chemicals in beauty products is being taken too far. And even if it is possible to see affects on the body, I don't think it is nearly as severe as they make it out to be. Companies that advertise products to be paraben and BPA free seem to be trendy, sort of like its trendy to eat healthier. It seems like people are avoiding certain chemicals in beauty products like they avoid certain foods in a diet. At the end of the day, I think you should read more than one article or hear one news story before deciding something is truly harmful and worth avoiding.
Word count: 382
Ear Gauges
Lately, I've been taking notice to more and more types of jewelry trends. I've been getting excited about buying more necklaces and earrings to wear with the new clothes I bought during the colder months. I love bold statement necklaces and cartilage piercings on the ear because they give personality. But trend I can't get over is ear gauges. This is something I have never understood and every time I see someone wearing them I question why they would do that to their body. On reason for this may be that I am extremely squeamish around anything regarding the human body.
Body jewelry is a great way to express yourself, but permanently altering the shape and size of your earlobe? It seems a bit extreme. I suppose the same could be argued about getting a regular ear piercing because for the most part, the hold will remain there for many years, if not the rest of your life. But while this may be true, it is hardly noticeable when you don't have earrings in, so it's not disruptive to your appearance if you were to decide you don't want to wear earrings.
I have a single ear piercing on the middle of my earlobe, like most girls I know, so to me it seems normal. I have also considered getting more piercings on other spots on my ear or even on my belly button. But ear gauges are something that make me extremely uncomfortable because unlike a regular piecing, they can't be easily hidden or taken out. There is a sizing guide created for people who want to start the process, and going above a size 2 can create permanent damage to your earlobe. When you walk into an interview for your first major job, you don't want to have the first impression on you interviewer be the fact that you have a half inch hole in your earlobe.
Not only does the hole itself bother me, but the entire process of creating it, starting smaller and working your way up. Once you cross a certain point of stretching and you decide it isn't for you, the only option you have if surgery. I'm usually the kind of person who leans on the side of trying not to judge people for their choices of self expression, but this is one of those things I will just never understand. I don't think I will ever try anything related to ear gauges.
Word count: 410
Body jewelry is a great way to express yourself, but permanently altering the shape and size of your earlobe? It seems a bit extreme. I suppose the same could be argued about getting a regular ear piercing because for the most part, the hold will remain there for many years, if not the rest of your life. But while this may be true, it is hardly noticeable when you don't have earrings in, so it's not disruptive to your appearance if you were to decide you don't want to wear earrings.
I have a single ear piercing on the middle of my earlobe, like most girls I know, so to me it seems normal. I have also considered getting more piercings on other spots on my ear or even on my belly button. But ear gauges are something that make me extremely uncomfortable because unlike a regular piecing, they can't be easily hidden or taken out. There is a sizing guide created for people who want to start the process, and going above a size 2 can create permanent damage to your earlobe. When you walk into an interview for your first major job, you don't want to have the first impression on you interviewer be the fact that you have a half inch hole in your earlobe.
Not only does the hole itself bother me, but the entire process of creating it, starting smaller and working your way up. Once you cross a certain point of stretching and you decide it isn't for you, the only option you have if surgery. I'm usually the kind of person who leans on the side of trying not to judge people for their choices of self expression, but this is one of those things I will just never understand. I don't think I will ever try anything related to ear gauges.
Word count: 410
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
A dress in winter?
Fall transitioning into winter is a great time to mix up your wardrobe, try something different, maybe even a little bit outside of your comfort zone. But cold weather does somewhat limit you from certain pieces of clothing... if you let it.
One of my favorite outfit trends during cold weather is pairing dresses and skirts with tights. This makes a summer piece available to wear during the colder months, plus is super stylish and playful. Wearing tights is a great way to spice up your style during winter, but you don't want to over due it and you don't want to look ridiculous. There are a few things you should keep in mind when wearing tights, especially to school or the work place.
Sheer tights are great, but shouldn't be paired with a short skirt or dress because it creates a look that is generally too racy or inappropriate. They also aren't flattering on larger legs. Try a more opaque pair of tights or ones made out of a knit material for a more sophisticated look. You can get packs of two cheep at stores like Forever21 (generally around $10).
One thing I have always struggled with is finding a pair of shoes to go with my tights and dress that doesn't make me look like I tried to put too many pieces together at once. While a little variety is key to a great fashion sense, you don't want to mix too many colors and patterns together in one outfit. A general rule of thumb is to have two pieces of your outfit matching in color. If you are wearing a navy blue dress, wear navy tights with black shoes. If you are wearing grey shoes, grey tights will look best. You can't always use the "all neutrals go together rule" in this situation. If you try to mix browns, greys, and blacks, you will often look silly so try to use same-color tights to minimize the opportunity for outfit fails. And you don't want to match your shoes and dress but wear a funky color of tights. The most sophisticated look comes when the pieces that match are touching. This isn't full proof, but it's a good start for a beginner when deciding if an outfit will look good together.
As far as what type of shoes should be worn, I always find that a pair of flats that match your tights look best. If you feel like wearing your short brown boots from fall, match your tights and dress in color and rock your boots!
Word count: 431
One of my favorite outfit trends during cold weather is pairing dresses and skirts with tights. This makes a summer piece available to wear during the colder months, plus is super stylish and playful. Wearing tights is a great way to spice up your style during winter, but you don't want to over due it and you don't want to look ridiculous. There are a few things you should keep in mind when wearing tights, especially to school or the work place.
Sheer tights are great, but shouldn't be paired with a short skirt or dress because it creates a look that is generally too racy or inappropriate. They also aren't flattering on larger legs. Try a more opaque pair of tights or ones made out of a knit material for a more sophisticated look. You can get packs of two cheep at stores like Forever21 (generally around $10).
One thing I have always struggled with is finding a pair of shoes to go with my tights and dress that doesn't make me look like I tried to put too many pieces together at once. While a little variety is key to a great fashion sense, you don't want to mix too many colors and patterns together in one outfit. A general rule of thumb is to have two pieces of your outfit matching in color. If you are wearing a navy blue dress, wear navy tights with black shoes. If you are wearing grey shoes, grey tights will look best. You can't always use the "all neutrals go together rule" in this situation. If you try to mix browns, greys, and blacks, you will often look silly so try to use same-color tights to minimize the opportunity for outfit fails. And you don't want to match your shoes and dress but wear a funky color of tights. The most sophisticated look comes when the pieces that match are touching. This isn't full proof, but it's a good start for a beginner when deciding if an outfit will look good together.
As far as what type of shoes should be worn, I always find that a pair of flats that match your tights look best. If you feel like wearing your short brown boots from fall, match your tights and dress in color and rock your boots!
Word count: 431
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Surviving Black Friday!
It's come to that time of year again... The leaves have fallen from the trees and it's getting colder. I can smell it now, the scent of Black Friday shopping. :)
This is such an exciting time of year. Thanksgiving dinner brings families together to celebrate just before the big annual shopping extravaganza where we all leave the safety of our homes to try and get the best deals on presents for our loved ones.
I've spend the last few years of Black Friday shopping in Chicago on Michigan Avenue, and let me tell you, there is nothing crazier than that street on the Friday after thanksgiving. The stores are almost as packed as the sidewalks and getting around is extremely difficult. But there's no better place for a girl like me, who has always been a little too fond of shopping and seeking out the best day of the day.
Here's some things to keep in mind so you can be a smart shopper this season:
Wear good walking shoes. Tennis shoes that are comfortable work the best. If you're doing it right, you'll be doing a lot of walking. Also bring band-aids, just in case anyone in your "clan" gets a blister, (this has happened to me once or twice).
Wear clothes that cling close to the body to avoid getting caught on things in a hustle and wear a small purse that can hang around the front of your waist so it's not lost or stolen.
Make a list. Write down all of the people you aim to buy gifts for, and a general idea of what to get them. If you're really savvy you can make an excel spreadsheet and print it out to take with you on your adventure.
Have cash on hand as well as a debit card. Keep your cell phone, or walkie-talkie if you're hardcore, within easy reach and have all of your coupons safely stored and ready to go. Know all the major door busters and deals of the day and when they start/end, you may have to get out earlier than you expect to beat the crowds and catch the deals if you really want them.
Don't get frustrated if you don't end up with all the things you set out for, it's supposed to be a fun day. And besides, there's always next year.
Now you're all ready to shop like a pro this Black Friday. Good Luck and have fun!
Word count: 414
This is such an exciting time of year. Thanksgiving dinner brings families together to celebrate just before the big annual shopping extravaganza where we all leave the safety of our homes to try and get the best deals on presents for our loved ones.
I've spend the last few years of Black Friday shopping in Chicago on Michigan Avenue, and let me tell you, there is nothing crazier than that street on the Friday after thanksgiving. The stores are almost as packed as the sidewalks and getting around is extremely difficult. But there's no better place for a girl like me, who has always been a little too fond of shopping and seeking out the best day of the day.
Here's some things to keep in mind so you can be a smart shopper this season:
Wear good walking shoes. Tennis shoes that are comfortable work the best. If you're doing it right, you'll be doing a lot of walking. Also bring band-aids, just in case anyone in your "clan" gets a blister, (this has happened to me once or twice).
Wear clothes that cling close to the body to avoid getting caught on things in a hustle and wear a small purse that can hang around the front of your waist so it's not lost or stolen.
Make a list. Write down all of the people you aim to buy gifts for, and a general idea of what to get them. If you're really savvy you can make an excel spreadsheet and print it out to take with you on your adventure.
Have cash on hand as well as a debit card. Keep your cell phone, or walkie-talkie if you're hardcore, within easy reach and have all of your coupons safely stored and ready to go. Know all the major door busters and deals of the day and when they start/end, you may have to get out earlier than you expect to beat the crowds and catch the deals if you really want them.
Don't get frustrated if you don't end up with all the things you set out for, it's supposed to be a fun day. And besides, there's always next year.
Now you're all ready to shop like a pro this Black Friday. Good Luck and have fun!
Word count: 414
15 minutes
It happens at least once a week. I go to bed late, I get up late. I haven't showered. I have "nothing to wear." Surely it's going to be an awful day... Or not.
The girl's guide to getting ready in 15 minutes: If you know it's going to be an early morning, try showering the night before. It'll save you 15-20 minutes of the actually time it takes to shower, plus the 5-10 minutes of drying and combing out your hair and styling it.
If you wake up late and didn't make it into the shower the night before, don't panic. All you need is some dry shampoo and a hair tie. Use the shampoo to quickly dry up any access oil from your hair, make it smell and feel fresh and clean, and throw it up in a pony, bun, or braid. Problem solved.
Check the weekly forecast and pick out your outfit the night before. This is a must. You can even pick out outfits for the entire week. I can't count the amount of times I spend in the morning pondering over what I should wear, only to get frustrated and cause myself to be late. Lay out everything you need including shoes, socks, underwear, etc. so you wont have to scramble around in the dark of the early morning when you're half asleep.
Also, separate your accessories. The last thing you need is to go to grab your favorite necklace, only to find it tangled into 3 others. A simple nail on the wall trick can solve this.
Establish an easy morning makeup routine that only takes 5 minutes. Skip the foundation and just use concealer under your eyes and on any blemishes. Curl your eyelashes without applying mascara to give your eyes a quick boost and give your eyebrows a quick touch-up with a brush instead of using a pencil to fill them in.
Grab breakfast on the go. Snag a banana or an apple from the kitchen and eat it on the way to school or work instead of sitting down to eat. Even better, pack some snacks in baggies the night before and throw them in your bag to eat throughout the day.
Word count: 396
The girl's guide to getting ready in 15 minutes: If you know it's going to be an early morning, try showering the night before. It'll save you 15-20 minutes of the actually time it takes to shower, plus the 5-10 minutes of drying and combing out your hair and styling it.
If you wake up late and didn't make it into the shower the night before, don't panic. All you need is some dry shampoo and a hair tie. Use the shampoo to quickly dry up any access oil from your hair, make it smell and feel fresh and clean, and throw it up in a pony, bun, or braid. Problem solved.
Check the weekly forecast and pick out your outfit the night before. This is a must. You can even pick out outfits for the entire week. I can't count the amount of times I spend in the morning pondering over what I should wear, only to get frustrated and cause myself to be late. Lay out everything you need including shoes, socks, underwear, etc. so you wont have to scramble around in the dark of the early morning when you're half asleep.
Also, separate your accessories. The last thing you need is to go to grab your favorite necklace, only to find it tangled into 3 others. A simple nail on the wall trick can solve this.
Establish an easy morning makeup routine that only takes 5 minutes. Skip the foundation and just use concealer under your eyes and on any blemishes. Curl your eyelashes without applying mascara to give your eyes a quick boost and give your eyebrows a quick touch-up with a brush instead of using a pencil to fill them in.
Grab breakfast on the go. Snag a banana or an apple from the kitchen and eat it on the way to school or work instead of sitting down to eat. Even better, pack some snacks in baggies the night before and throw them in your bag to eat throughout the day.
Word count: 396
Stop stressing
Final exams are coming and these weeks are the scariest weeks of the year for high school students, especially junior and senior year, when your grades have a huge impact on college applications and getting accepted into the school of your dreams. But stressing out over these tests won't make them any easier and it certainly won't make them disappear. Not to mention the fact that an overload of stress is not good for your body, it can cause you to gain weight and break out all over the place; and that's the last thing you need. So here's a few ways you can try to relieve your anxiety these next couple weeks.
Start studying WAY earlier than you think you should. If you can get ahead of the game, so to speak, and ahead of the rest of your classmates when it comes to memorizing information for a test, you'll be setting yourself up for way less stress when the test approaches. You have heard every teacher tell you not to cram the night before, and they don't just tell you that in attempt at giving you extra work. Studies have proven it, so get started early at preparation.
Get organized. Go through all your binders and folders and get rid of old papers. While doing this you can review all material you haven't seen in a while to refresh your memory. If you can get yourself organized it gives you one less thing to worry about (not to mention that you can kick 5 pounds off your daily load). Chances are that you're carrying around tons of old papers you don't need anymore. I did this last week and I feel so much better.
Get lots of sleep. This may sound like a no-brainer, but staying up late cramming isn't the way to go. You are only hurting yourself. Set a reasonable bed time and stick to it. Your "morning-self" will thank you later. Your body works best on schedules, so start going to bed and getting up at around the same time everyday, even on weekends, to build the habit. Start this a good 15 days ahead of your exam date. Your body will start to adjust and get up automatically. You'll wake up feeling more rested and ready to take on the day. This applies year round, but mostly during the school year when the stress of the workload sets in.
Word count: 407
Start studying WAY earlier than you think you should. If you can get ahead of the game, so to speak, and ahead of the rest of your classmates when it comes to memorizing information for a test, you'll be setting yourself up for way less stress when the test approaches. You have heard every teacher tell you not to cram the night before, and they don't just tell you that in attempt at giving you extra work. Studies have proven it, so get started early at preparation.
Get organized. Go through all your binders and folders and get rid of old papers. While doing this you can review all material you haven't seen in a while to refresh your memory. If you can get yourself organized it gives you one less thing to worry about (not to mention that you can kick 5 pounds off your daily load). Chances are that you're carrying around tons of old papers you don't need anymore. I did this last week and I feel so much better.
Get lots of sleep. This may sound like a no-brainer, but staying up late cramming isn't the way to go. You are only hurting yourself. Set a reasonable bed time and stick to it. Your "morning-self" will thank you later. Your body works best on schedules, so start going to bed and getting up at around the same time everyday, even on weekends, to build the habit. Start this a good 15 days ahead of your exam date. Your body will start to adjust and get up automatically. You'll wake up feeling more rested and ready to take on the day. This applies year round, but mostly during the school year when the stress of the workload sets in.
Word count: 407
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Peace, love, fat week.
My cross country season officially ended last Thursday, and I have been enjoying the annual post season "fat week." Which basically means we finally get to eat whatever we want all week long instead of having to plan out healthy meals in preparation for practices and meets.
In my off season, I usually like to continue training. But even though its important to stay in shape, and to make sure you don't lose all the progress you made this season, its still a good idea to take at least a week off at the end of your season (especially when it comes to running) to give your body a break. You don't want to over do it and injure yourself. It always amuses me when I'm driving home from school and I see girls on my team who are still running miles and miles after school, trying to keep in shape and prepare for next year, when we aren't even a week into off season.
As far as what you should be doing in the off season, it depends a lot on whether or not you are planning on running track in the Spring. I play tennis in the Spring, so in my off season I take privet lesson at my local tennis club once or twice a week. But track runners should work on establishing and aerobic base. Why is this such a simple answer?
Everything stems from this aerobic base, especially when it comes to distance running, and it takes time to properly establish this. That's what makes the off season the perfect time. Almost the entire time your are running a cross country race, you are using this aerobic base.
As far as how long you should run.. However far you can run today and still be able to run again tomorrow. How fast? Go by feel. Sometimes that may mean fairly fast, other times, more slowly depending on how tired you are from your run the previous day.
Most people like to make some fancy schedule of workouts that are strenuous and aimed at optimizing every last second the time they have. But if you can maintain most of your effort and training from your previous season, you are doing pretty well. Don't over due it. Just run as much as you think is appropriate.
Word count: 389
In my off season, I usually like to continue training. But even though its important to stay in shape, and to make sure you don't lose all the progress you made this season, its still a good idea to take at least a week off at the end of your season (especially when it comes to running) to give your body a break. You don't want to over do it and injure yourself. It always amuses me when I'm driving home from school and I see girls on my team who are still running miles and miles after school, trying to keep in shape and prepare for next year, when we aren't even a week into off season.
As far as what you should be doing in the off season, it depends a lot on whether or not you are planning on running track in the Spring. I play tennis in the Spring, so in my off season I take privet lesson at my local tennis club once or twice a week. But track runners should work on establishing and aerobic base. Why is this such a simple answer?
Everything stems from this aerobic base, especially when it comes to distance running, and it takes time to properly establish this. That's what makes the off season the perfect time. Almost the entire time your are running a cross country race, you are using this aerobic base.
As far as how long you should run.. However far you can run today and still be able to run again tomorrow. How fast? Go by feel. Sometimes that may mean fairly fast, other times, more slowly depending on how tired you are from your run the previous day.
Most people like to make some fancy schedule of workouts that are strenuous and aimed at optimizing every last second the time they have. But if you can maintain most of your effort and training from your previous season, you are doing pretty well. Don't over due it. Just run as much as you think is appropriate.
Word count: 389
Are tattoos taboo?
Getting a tattoo is a very permanent and very personal choice, but it seems like lately this topic has become more popular when it comes to pop culture. When celebrities get tattoos, it's all over the tabloids, and it seems like this happens for all the wrong reasons. Its almost become taboo in our society to get this permanent piece of art engraved into our skin. But why?
Tattoos have been around for thousands of years, beginning with the Egyptian societies. So why do we still see getting a tattoo to be stereotypical of "bad" boys and muscle men? Especially when its a practice that has gone through so much history. I think it has a lot to do with what the media puts out, and the way we are raised.
Personally, I've gone back and forth on this topic. When I was growing up, my parents always beat it into my head that I was never to do a thing to my body like get a tattoo. I grew up always assuming it was the worst possible thing a person could do to themselves. Now that I'm older, have more exposure to the realities of life, and am confident when it comes to making my own decisions about my body and what I do to it, I've realized that getting a tattoo has really gotten a bad rap. It's a way to express yourself, and like many other things in life, it really just comes down to personal preference, and ignorance. If you don't like tattoos, don't get one. You don't have to convince someone that is a good or bad idea, just because their opinion may differ from your own.
I know a lot of people who can't wait until they are 18 years old so they can march into the tattoo parlor and get their first tat. They've planned out what they want, where they want it. And if you think about it, when you have that much time to make a decision, chances are you will have less regrets later in life.
I think the key is to find a place to put it that can be easily concealed and not go too crazy with the ink.
Getting a tattoo is a great way to make yourself unique from other people in society, but should be done with caution and maturity.
Word count: 396
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Nonuple life of Vaseline
A jar of Vaseline costs about 5 dollars. It also last for years. It sits in the bottom drawer of your vanity of on the top shelf of your closet. Why? Because there are so many things that Vaseline can be used for that people never think about. I think this happens with a lot of products because we think that each thing has only one use now a days.
Use it to prep your skin before fragrances. Moisturized skin will hold the scent better, so run some on before using your perfume to make your fragrance last longer. Also apply it before your self tanner. It will act as a barrier and make for less unevenness and staining. This also applies around the hairline before coloring your hair with dyes.
Vaseline is great at taming fizzy hair and sealing dry split ends. If you're really savvy, you could even use it to keep your eyebrows in place.
Adding Vaseline to the skin brings moisture and shine. You can try swapping it for your daily highlighter to give you face a more natural glow. Even slide a little on your shins to make your legs glow.
Use it to remove makeup stains from clothing. All you need is a damp wash cloth and a little Vaseline and the stains will lift from the fabric. This works on pillows, blankets, sheets, anything.
If you're into doing your nails, this one is a must know. If you ever find yourself cleaning up around the sides of your nails after you paint them, even when you try your best to keep it in the lines, there is a solution. Add Vaseline all around your nail and cuticle, without getting any on your nails themselves. Now paint your nails and get the perfect manicure without the clean-up. The Vaseline creates a slick surface so the polish doesn't stick to the skin and rubs right off.
This may be obvious, but the main use of Vaseline is to moisturize, and it does a great job. Use it anywhere you see your skin starting to dry or crack. This doesn't just apply to skin either. Use it as a clear mascara to nourish your eye lashes on the days you decide to go for the natural look.
If you want to try a fun makeup trick, add Vaseline to your favorite eye shadow and instantly turn it into a eye base/cream eyeshadow.
As far as footwear goes, don't waste your money on shoe polishes. Use Vaseline to get them shining again! This works for any boots or other leather shoes or goods that could use a polish.
Word count: 441
Use it to prep your skin before fragrances. Moisturized skin will hold the scent better, so run some on before using your perfume to make your fragrance last longer. Also apply it before your self tanner. It will act as a barrier and make for less unevenness and staining. This also applies around the hairline before coloring your hair with dyes.
Vaseline is great at taming fizzy hair and sealing dry split ends. If you're really savvy, you could even use it to keep your eyebrows in place.
Adding Vaseline to the skin brings moisture and shine. You can try swapping it for your daily highlighter to give you face a more natural glow. Even slide a little on your shins to make your legs glow.
Use it to remove makeup stains from clothing. All you need is a damp wash cloth and a little Vaseline and the stains will lift from the fabric. This works on pillows, blankets, sheets, anything.
If you're into doing your nails, this one is a must know. If you ever find yourself cleaning up around the sides of your nails after you paint them, even when you try your best to keep it in the lines, there is a solution. Add Vaseline all around your nail and cuticle, without getting any on your nails themselves. Now paint your nails and get the perfect manicure without the clean-up. The Vaseline creates a slick surface so the polish doesn't stick to the skin and rubs right off.
This may be obvious, but the main use of Vaseline is to moisturize, and it does a great job. Use it anywhere you see your skin starting to dry or crack. This doesn't just apply to skin either. Use it as a clear mascara to nourish your eye lashes on the days you decide to go for the natural look.
If you want to try a fun makeup trick, add Vaseline to your favorite eye shadow and instantly turn it into a eye base/cream eyeshadow.
As far as footwear goes, don't waste your money on shoe polishes. Use Vaseline to get them shining again! This works for any boots or other leather shoes or goods that could use a polish.
Word count: 441
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Cross country; My experience (cont.)
I remember the first day I showed up for informal practice over the summer. We ran 3 miles that day, and I couldn't help but think, "what have I gotten myself into?" It was a terrible feeling. I didn't think I would make it through the first week, let alone the whole season.
Looking back, I'm glad I stuck it out. The experience of running for Kennedy has taught me so much besides just the basic elements of running itself. I learned a lot about commitment, which has helped me through high school, and will continue to help me throughout me whole life. It's so easy to give up, to quit, but sticking it out can help you learn a lot about yourself and even improve yourself on the inside as well as the outside.
As the season progressed I started seeing huge improvements in my running. The progress provided the motivation I needed to work hard and run my first varsity race, as a sophomore. This was something I had never even dreamed of. My parents (mostly my dad) were thrilled, and I had found a new love for something I never even knew I would be good at.
One of the days I'll never forget for as long as I live was my race that year at the Iowa City Ashten cross country course. It was a cool breezy day and I tied up my spikes ready to race. Little did I know I would take first place of over 200 girls that day in the fresh/soph division. Of all the races I've ran in my "career", it still ranks at the top as my shining moment. That was the moment I knew this wasn't just a sport for me anymore, it turned into a passion that I will probably carry with me for the rest of my life.
My grandmother (on my dad's side) started running when she was 50 years old. She has been a huge inspiration to me as well as my dad, who runs 8-10 miles a day. He trains for and competes in triathlons year round and is my number one supporter, skipping work and meetings to watch every one of my races.
If there's one thing I learned from this whole experience and life as a whole, it's that you shouldn't limit yourself to the things you've grown up doing. Try something new once and while because you never know what might happen.
I finished the season earning my varsity letter.
Word count: 419
Looking back, I'm glad I stuck it out. The experience of running for Kennedy has taught me so much besides just the basic elements of running itself. I learned a lot about commitment, which has helped me through high school, and will continue to help me throughout me whole life. It's so easy to give up, to quit, but sticking it out can help you learn a lot about yourself and even improve yourself on the inside as well as the outside.
As the season progressed I started seeing huge improvements in my running. The progress provided the motivation I needed to work hard and run my first varsity race, as a sophomore. This was something I had never even dreamed of. My parents (mostly my dad) were thrilled, and I had found a new love for something I never even knew I would be good at.
One of the days I'll never forget for as long as I live was my race that year at the Iowa City Ashten cross country course. It was a cool breezy day and I tied up my spikes ready to race. Little did I know I would take first place of over 200 girls that day in the fresh/soph division. Of all the races I've ran in my "career", it still ranks at the top as my shining moment. That was the moment I knew this wasn't just a sport for me anymore, it turned into a passion that I will probably carry with me for the rest of my life.
My grandmother (on my dad's side) started running when she was 50 years old. She has been a huge inspiration to me as well as my dad, who runs 8-10 miles a day. He trains for and competes in triathlons year round and is my number one supporter, skipping work and meetings to watch every one of my races.
If there's one thing I learned from this whole experience and life as a whole, it's that you shouldn't limit yourself to the things you've grown up doing. Try something new once and while because you never know what might happen.
I finished the season earning my varsity letter.
Word count: 419
Cross country; My experience
Normally I lean towards the beauty side of things, but today I'm diving into health. Running specifically.
I'm 16 years old and even though I'm only in high school and still have a fast metabolism, its still important to keep in shape in my spare time. However I'm not the most self motivated person, especially when it comes to exercise, which is why I joined the XC team at my high school. I'll admit this was also partially motivated by my hatred for gym class in general, and getting a sports waiver was just an added bonus. But what most people don't realize when they sign up for a sport, like running, is that they are not only committing to the competitions weekly, but practicing daily, and a commitment to your teammates.
I learned very quickly that cross country is not a sport you play to get out of taking gym class, its so much more than that. And its more work and time based upon how much you decide to challenge yourself and the goals you set.
Freshman year I played volleyball, which I love, as a sport. But my experience on the team was less than enjoyable and I couldn't wait for the season to end so I could get my weekday afternoons and my Saturday mornings back. However when sophomore year rolled around, I still wasn't keen on the idea of using a whole period of my schedule to sit in a gymnasium, earning half credit, when I could be taking a class I actually enjoy for the entire term. A few of my close friends suggested going out for xc, but I was weary of the idea, only because aside from a few 5ks over the summer, I hadn't ever run competitively.
After a lot of consideration, I decided to go for it. And at first it was slow going, I won't lie.
Practices were long and the coach was slightly unpleasant, but it wasn't torture. There was something that made it different from volleyball and I noticed it immediately. The girls on the team were not just teammates, we all supported each other like family, and that made all the difference throughout the season. I was welcomed to the team with open arms, and I will always be grateful for that.
Word count: 387
I'm 16 years old and even though I'm only in high school and still have a fast metabolism, its still important to keep in shape in my spare time. However I'm not the most self motivated person, especially when it comes to exercise, which is why I joined the XC team at my high school. I'll admit this was also partially motivated by my hatred for gym class in general, and getting a sports waiver was just an added bonus. But what most people don't realize when they sign up for a sport, like running, is that they are not only committing to the competitions weekly, but practicing daily, and a commitment to your teammates.
I learned very quickly that cross country is not a sport you play to get out of taking gym class, its so much more than that. And its more work and time based upon how much you decide to challenge yourself and the goals you set.
Freshman year I played volleyball, which I love, as a sport. But my experience on the team was less than enjoyable and I couldn't wait for the season to end so I could get my weekday afternoons and my Saturday mornings back. However when sophomore year rolled around, I still wasn't keen on the idea of using a whole period of my schedule to sit in a gymnasium, earning half credit, when I could be taking a class I actually enjoy for the entire term. A few of my close friends suggested going out for xc, but I was weary of the idea, only because aside from a few 5ks over the summer, I hadn't ever run competitively.
After a lot of consideration, I decided to go for it. And at first it was slow going, I won't lie.
Practices were long and the coach was slightly unpleasant, but it wasn't torture. There was something that made it different from volleyball and I noticed it immediately. The girls on the team were not just teammates, we all supported each other like family, and that made all the difference throughout the season. I was welcomed to the team with open arms, and I will always be grateful for that.
Word count: 387
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
How to win at the game of travel
As the holiday season is approaching, it almost vacation time! Time to get out of the house, out of the work place, and out of school to relax and take some much needed time off. What you don't want to do is spend your entire trip hauling around a suitcase that weighs as much as a car, or that's bigger than your closet itself. Its important to save space, whether that means leaving a few items behind that you don't really need, or getting creative when it comes to packing the things you can't live without.
One thing you can try is rolling your clothes instead of folding them to take up less space. This trick it super easy and will allow you to pack more clothes, without wrinkling them or shoving them into your suitcase or bag. For an added plus, throw in a dryer sheet to keep them smelling fresh.
Pack your dirty shoes in a shower cap so dirt doesn't get on your clothes and thread your necklaces through a straw to stop tangling along the journey.
Next, don't worry about saving space for your iHome. You can turn any cup into a speaker for your phone by dropping it in and letting it echo on the sides of the cup. Dance party, anywhere.
If you are traveling to a different time zone, chances are your sleep schedule will take a toll on you. If you want to avoid jet lag, try exercising a lot the day before you travel. Then, once you land, get lots of fresh air, especially if you are in high altitudes. This wears your body out if its not used to it naturally. I like to go for a long run a few days before hand, and if I do a lot of walking, try to get extra sleep during my trip.
If you tend to get chilly on the plane ride, try packing a light weight scarf in your carry on. Use it as a little blanket or pillow on the ride and once you arrive at your destination, you have the perfect accessory to add to any outfit.
When it comes to bringing makeup and face products, this tends to be my biggest hassle. Most of them are too big to fit in my bag and if I'm flying its not even regulation to have anything over 3 ounces. Contact cases make great storage for on the go. Just squirt some of your favorite foundation in the case, a little goes a long way, and screw the cap on. Good to go.
If your are going to a place where pick pockets are a problem, you want to put your extra cash somewhere safer than a wallet. Empty out an old chap stick container and roll up the bills to fit inside. Perfect hiding place. I mean you've probably already filled your contact case with lip balm, so keeping money in the empty lip balm only makes sense.
Happy traveling!
Word count: 501
One thing you can try is rolling your clothes instead of folding them to take up less space. This trick it super easy and will allow you to pack more clothes, without wrinkling them or shoving them into your suitcase or bag. For an added plus, throw in a dryer sheet to keep them smelling fresh.
Pack your dirty shoes in a shower cap so dirt doesn't get on your clothes and thread your necklaces through a straw to stop tangling along the journey.
Next, don't worry about saving space for your iHome. You can turn any cup into a speaker for your phone by dropping it in and letting it echo on the sides of the cup. Dance party, anywhere.
If you are traveling to a different time zone, chances are your sleep schedule will take a toll on you. If you want to avoid jet lag, try exercising a lot the day before you travel. Then, once you land, get lots of fresh air, especially if you are in high altitudes. This wears your body out if its not used to it naturally. I like to go for a long run a few days before hand, and if I do a lot of walking, try to get extra sleep during my trip.
If you tend to get chilly on the plane ride, try packing a light weight scarf in your carry on. Use it as a little blanket or pillow on the ride and once you arrive at your destination, you have the perfect accessory to add to any outfit.
When it comes to bringing makeup and face products, this tends to be my biggest hassle. Most of them are too big to fit in my bag and if I'm flying its not even regulation to have anything over 3 ounces. Contact cases make great storage for on the go. Just squirt some of your favorite foundation in the case, a little goes a long way, and screw the cap on. Good to go.
If your are going to a place where pick pockets are a problem, you want to put your extra cash somewhere safer than a wallet. Empty out an old chap stick container and roll up the bills to fit inside. Perfect hiding place. I mean you've probably already filled your contact case with lip balm, so keeping money in the empty lip balm only makes sense.
Happy traveling!
Word count: 501
Sunday, October 19, 2014
5 things you can do while blow drying your hair
Drying your hair takes time, and in the morning time is valuable. Not to mention this is one of the most undervalued times to multitask. Sure, the number of things you can do while simultaneously holding a blow dryer in your hand is limited but don't underestimate yourself!
Whiten your teeth. Some of the more recent developments in the teeth whitening industry only take around 25-30 minutes. And thing of all the things you CAN'T do while whitening your teeth. Apply whitening strips right before you pick up a blow dryer and knockout a good portion of the half hour period.
Clear up your skin. If you're anything like me, you start the week off with every intention of having good, clean skin hygiene, but you never seem to get around to applying those one-use clay masks that only take 2-3 minutes. This is a great opportunity to make better use of your time! Since you'll have hair blowing everywhere (including in your face) its best to pick a mask that dries quickly that you can apply right before you turn on the dryer.
Work on your quads. Doing squats is a great in-place exercise you can do while drying your hair that, if done daily, will help tone your muscles in your thighs and butt. The best part is.. it's hands free! See how many you can get done during the time it takes your hair to dry and try to improve each day. For added bonus, add a knee lift each time you come up from your squat.
Let products dry. What better time to let your pedicure set that when there's a bunch of air blowing in the room? If you're afraid of your nails smudging, add a quick top coat of Essie Quick-e. Decide to go the way of self tanner? Apply it before you dry your hair to ensure its had enough time to soak into the skin.
Set goals for your day. This one sounds cheesy, but when you think about it, it's something you never would think about doing and now you can't make the excuse that you don't have time..
Set two or three goals that you'd like to accomplish, they can be as simple as getting your homework done before 9 or introducing yourself to one new person. Write them down on a sticky note and hang it on your mirror. Regardless, this is a great habit to get into. If you set goals each day you will be better prepared for the future ahead:)
Word count: 434
Whiten your teeth. Some of the more recent developments in the teeth whitening industry only take around 25-30 minutes. And thing of all the things you CAN'T do while whitening your teeth. Apply whitening strips right before you pick up a blow dryer and knockout a good portion of the half hour period.
Clear up your skin. If you're anything like me, you start the week off with every intention of having good, clean skin hygiene, but you never seem to get around to applying those one-use clay masks that only take 2-3 minutes. This is a great opportunity to make better use of your time! Since you'll have hair blowing everywhere (including in your face) its best to pick a mask that dries quickly that you can apply right before you turn on the dryer.
Work on your quads. Doing squats is a great in-place exercise you can do while drying your hair that, if done daily, will help tone your muscles in your thighs and butt. The best part is.. it's hands free! See how many you can get done during the time it takes your hair to dry and try to improve each day. For added bonus, add a knee lift each time you come up from your squat.
Let products dry. What better time to let your pedicure set that when there's a bunch of air blowing in the room? If you're afraid of your nails smudging, add a quick top coat of Essie Quick-e. Decide to go the way of self tanner? Apply it before you dry your hair to ensure its had enough time to soak into the skin.
Set goals for your day. This one sounds cheesy, but when you think about it, it's something you never would think about doing and now you can't make the excuse that you don't have time..
Set two or three goals that you'd like to accomplish, they can be as simple as getting your homework done before 9 or introducing yourself to one new person. Write them down on a sticky note and hang it on your mirror. Regardless, this is a great habit to get into. If you set goals each day you will be better prepared for the future ahead:)
Word count: 434
Manipulation through beauty advertising
Have you ever looked at an ad in a magazine and thought, "I have to have that," because
a. "It would make my life better"
b. "It would make me more popular"
c. "It would make me more appealing"
If so, you are most likely a victim of advertisers many strategies to manipulate the minds of women all around the world. But don't feel bad, you aren't alone in this. It happens to everyone.
But we can't always just blame the big companies, after all they are just doing their best to sell their products and make money like everyone else. The ones who do this the best will sell the most and generate the most revenue.
This week in class I did an analysis of a beauty advertisement for EOS that I found in a Teen Vogue magazine. This was an interesting project and it really got me thinking about ads in general and I had some fun looking at others I found on the internet.
Despite the cool effects you an achieve on software applications like photo shop, you still need an ad that will stick in some one's head if you want it to sell. Some of these ads do just that.
I love this McDonald's ad because its able to get its selling point across without even using and text. Its clever and cleanly done. The idea of Mc Donald's being healthy these days is almost comical, but this ad shows how they almost manipulate you into seeing french fries as healthy.

Tackling women's sport in advertising can be tricky. If you over-feminise, it can be borderline disrespectful, but if you don't experiment enough, it could mean a lousy campaign. Thankfully, MasterCard have mastered the subject (no pun intended) with this clever and cute ad for the Women's golf tournament.
The art of manipulation through all types of advertising continues to grow and change each year, it will be interesting to see what clever ad creators will come up with in years to come.
Word count: 343
a. "It would make my life better"
b. "It would make me more popular"
c. "It would make me more appealing"
If so, you are most likely a victim of advertisers many strategies to manipulate the minds of women all around the world. But don't feel bad, you aren't alone in this. It happens to everyone.
But we can't always just blame the big companies, after all they are just doing their best to sell their products and make money like everyone else. The ones who do this the best will sell the most and generate the most revenue.
Despite the cool effects you an achieve on software applications like photo shop, you still need an ad that will stick in some one's head if you want it to sell. Some of these ads do just that.
I love this McDonald's ad because its able to get its selling point across without even using and text. Its clever and cleanly done. The idea of Mc Donald's being healthy these days is almost comical, but this ad shows how they almost manipulate you into seeing french fries as healthy.
Tackling women's sport in advertising can be tricky. If you over-feminise, it can be borderline disrespectful, but if you don't experiment enough, it could mean a lousy campaign. Thankfully, MasterCard have mastered the subject (no pun intended) with this clever and cute ad for the Women's golf tournament.
The art of manipulation through all types of advertising continues to grow and change each year, it will be interesting to see what clever ad creators will come up with in years to come.
Word count: 343
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Time savers for the perpetually late
Being late is avoidable, however I can speak from experience when I say, once you are in the situation it's a tricky one to get out of. Whether you are a regular member of the late club or it just happens every once in a while, we all end up there eventually. Being time efficient with your tasks can help eliminate the need to speed to work or school, or forget things as your running out the door because you're too occupied with trying to figure out just how behind schedule you are.
Imagine this; Your alarm clock buzzes in the morning and the only thing you can bear to mutter is "not yet," and roll over while simultaneously hitting the snooze button. To make matters worse you forgot to apply deodorant and the lip balm you had stashed in your car ran out.
Classic. That is not going to be a great start to your day. You should always keep an "emergency kit" that has all the essentials you tend to forget in the morning, ready and available. This not only keeps you prepared in case of a situation like this, but for me, it keeps my mind at ease and creates less stress to remember everything in the morning because I know if I do by chance forget something, I have it in my locker where I can grab it whenever I need it.
You should also have a go-to hair style, especially if you tend to straighten or curl your hair everyday. When you are late, you shouldn't have to rush to heat up the tools. You should keep a go-to hair product that you can use in replacement. Something like a wave enhancing spray that you can apply to wet or damp hair right out of the shower and let it air dry on the way to your destination.
Lastly this may seem obvious, but a great way to have yourself off to a head start is to plan and pack the night before. Whether you have an after school sport or you have trouble deciding what to wear in the morning, it helps to plan ahead and lay everything out the night before. Pick out your clothes and set everything you need to remember to bring the next day in plain sight, by the door, or next to your car keys so you can't miss it in a hurry. A great way to avoid late-ness is to get yourself started on the right foot to begin with. :)
Word count: 421
Imagine this; Your alarm clock buzzes in the morning and the only thing you can bear to mutter is "not yet," and roll over while simultaneously hitting the snooze button. To make matters worse you forgot to apply deodorant and the lip balm you had stashed in your car ran out.
You should also have a go-to hair style, especially if you tend to straighten or curl your hair everyday. When you are late, you shouldn't have to rush to heat up the tools. You should keep a go-to hair product that you can use in replacement. Something like a wave enhancing spray that you can apply to wet or damp hair right out of the shower and let it air dry on the way to your destination.
Lastly this may seem obvious, but a great way to have yourself off to a head start is to plan and pack the night before. Whether you have an after school sport or you have trouble deciding what to wear in the morning, it helps to plan ahead and lay everything out the night before. Pick out your clothes and set everything you need to remember to bring the next day in plain sight, by the door, or next to your car keys so you can't miss it in a hurry. A great way to avoid late-ness is to get yourself started on the right foot to begin with. :)
Word count: 421
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Are you ruining your hair?
Our hair is a mysterious thing and some days it even seems to have a mind of its own. But even on the days when you and your hair aren't on the best terms, its important to take care of it and prevent it from future damage. Sometimes you accidentally do things that may be causing damage, without even knowing it.
If you don't use protection when you turn on the hot helpers (flat iron, curling iron, etc.) then you are only hurting yourself. Its ridiculously easy to apply a heat protectant spray, spraying it on just like hair spray and letting it dry, to help with split ends and permanent damage. It creates a protective barrier between the hair cuticle and the heat of your beauty tools.
Another way you may be accidentally hurting your follicles is by OD-ing on moisture. This is fairly common because it is usually stressed to moisturize as much as possible, but that's not necessarily the case. Silicons are the ingredients in many smoothing, moisturizing products that leave your hair looking especially shiny, but they can build up over time and lead to dull, stringy strands. One solution? Using a silicone-free conditioner, like Living Proof’s Leave-In Conditioner ($24)
Next, your hair is made up of protein, so make sure you’re eating
enough of it. Think: fish, chicken, lentils, and other beans. Other foods that
contain an amino acid will also help your hair stay healthy—reach for pork, broccoli, and red peppers.
Word count: 418
If you don't use protection when you turn on the hot helpers (flat iron, curling iron, etc.) then you are only hurting yourself. Its ridiculously easy to apply a heat protectant spray, spraying it on just like hair spray and letting it dry, to help with split ends and permanent damage. It creates a protective barrier between the hair cuticle and the heat of your beauty tools.
Another way you may be accidentally hurting your follicles is by OD-ing on moisture. This is fairly common because it is usually stressed to moisturize as much as possible, but that's not necessarily the case. Silicons are the ingredients in many smoothing, moisturizing products that leave your hair looking especially shiny, but they can build up over time and lead to dull, stringy strands. One solution? Using a silicone-free conditioner, like Living Proof’s Leave-In Conditioner ($24)
The next tip comes right after your shower and is something most people are surprised by.
Drying your hair with a towel isn’t cutting it. A plain
cotton tee is a much better option. The texture of an ordinary bath towel actually
roughs up your cuticle and leaves it frizzy, while a t-shirt can combat that.
Just squeeze excess moisture out gently, pull your hair through the neck of the
t-shirt, and wrap it in a turban style.
Lastly, a simple one. And it's aggressive brushing. This one is terrible because it happens most likely every day after you shower, which is when your hair is the most venerable. Its soft because of the conditioner from the shower and its wet, a deadly combination. A tactic that I've been using for years that makes brushing easier on me and my hair is bringing a hairbrush into the shower and combing through my hair, gently, while I have conditioner in. This removes the tangles without stressing out the hair as much.
The right blush for your skintone
We've all seen it. Someone who overdid it just a tad on the blush that morning and ended up looking more like a clown than a girl. It happens to the best of us, but its an easy fix.
Sometimes how blush looks on the skin has less to do with the amount you apply and more to do with finding the shade that is going to compliment your skin tone and give you the radiant look you desire without looking ridiculous. One thing is for sure, putting blush on is one of the best way to instantly radiate your skin and give a glow that makes you look more cheerful and happy.
Your gut instinct may be to go with the color you like the best or the one you think looks like the one "everyone else wears," but just like we all wear a different clothing size, we all have different skin tones and different color compliment them differently. Whether you prefer cream blush or powder, finding the right color is the most important, second to application. Keeping it light is the best way to make sure you won't have a blush catastrophe. You can always add more, but its almost impossible to remove what you've already done without having to completely start over with your makeup. And when it comes to getting ready for school, time is of the essence.
For fair skin, its important not to go too dark. You don't want to overpower your beautiful porcelain skin. Stick with a light peachy pink and a light application for more of a glow than a "blush".
For medium skin tones, just like fair skin, peaches and pinks are your best go-to, however you may want to take it a step further and go a shade or two darker. A rich pink or even mauve will provide
you with a lasting glow, without being too much.
For darker skin tones, deep shades of red, orange, and brown look best. Pink colors will tend to leave you looking more washed out than flushed.
Keep the blush focused on the apples of your cheeks for daytime wear and bring it up the cheekbones for a nighttime look. If you want something more dramatic you can always use contour shades with darker bronzier colors and a lighter highlight shade on the top of your cheekbones. However when it comes to contouring, especially during the day, like grandma always said, less is more.
Word count: 412
Sometimes how blush looks on the skin has less to do with the amount you apply and more to do with finding the shade that is going to compliment your skin tone and give you the radiant look you desire without looking ridiculous. One thing is for sure, putting blush on is one of the best way to instantly radiate your skin and give a glow that makes you look more cheerful and happy.
Your gut instinct may be to go with the color you like the best or the one you think looks like the one "everyone else wears," but just like we all wear a different clothing size, we all have different skin tones and different color compliment them differently. Whether you prefer cream blush or powder, finding the right color is the most important, second to application. Keeping it light is the best way to make sure you won't have a blush catastrophe. You can always add more, but its almost impossible to remove what you've already done without having to completely start over with your makeup. And when it comes to getting ready for school, time is of the essence.
For fair skin, its important not to go too dark. You don't want to overpower your beautiful porcelain skin. Stick with a light peachy pink and a light application for more of a glow than a "blush".
For medium skin tones, just like fair skin, peaches and pinks are your best go-to, however you may want to take it a step further and go a shade or two darker. A rich pink or even mauve will provide
you with a lasting glow, without being too much.
For darker skin tones, deep shades of red, orange, and brown look best. Pink colors will tend to leave you looking more washed out than flushed.
Word count: 412
Fall trends worth trying
This fall is bringing in lots of new clothing and hair trends, both good and bad. There are some I like more than others, and some I would never wear myself. One thing is for sure, no one is afraid to experiment with various colors, lengths, and trends this fall.
Hats are an interesting piece to play with in an outfit, but its also an easy thing to get wrong. Adding a beanie to an outfit is almost always a plus. But you can't forget about all the other types of head wear. Fedoras, floppy knit hats, baseball caps, and headband are all things that add personality and a fun element to an otherwise boring outfit. I love the way the grey beanie looks paired with this dark colored flannel shirt. In the picture you can see how she layers this with a cream colored hoodie underneath. Add a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, some white Chuck Tailors and this makes the perfect outfit for autumn.
Embracing classic prints seems to be another huge trend this all. When you get tired of floral from spring, try hounds tooth for fall. This pattern has been huge on the runway lately. The great part is that it goes with almost anything. And I love this paired with bright colors like red and royal blue. You have to be careful however, too much of this pattern can be overpowering to the eyes. Try to keep the print small or limit it to a single piece instead of the entire outfit. This picture shows a great option for a more formal pairing with the black mixed with the pattern. Notice how she keeps the waist high.

One color I have always loved but never think to wear is emerald green. It looks great paired with other jewel toned colors like amethyst (a purple color). You see this a lot on the runway as well. This color is great for fall, as well as spring and summer. Light emerald is great for casual attire and darker emerald can be turned into a sultry formal outfit. This spring dress is simple but has a beautiful cut at the bottom, giving it the flare that makes it a perfect go-to for a day out. For fall, just throw on a cardigan, add a pair of fun sandals and a neutral tote of bag and you're good to go.
Word count: 402
One color I have always loved but never think to wear is emerald green. It looks great paired with other jewel toned colors like amethyst (a purple color). You see this a lot on the runway as well. This color is great for fall, as well as spring and summer. Light emerald is great for casual attire and darker emerald can be turned into a sultry formal outfit. This spring dress is simple but has a beautiful cut at the bottom, giving it the flare that makes it a perfect go-to for a day out. For fall, just throw on a cardigan, add a pair of fun sandals and a neutral tote of bag and you're good to go.
Word count: 402
Saturday, October 4, 2014
How long is long enough? Knowing when to put down the beauty tools
Oh the thin line you toe, how long is "too long"? The striaghtener, the hairdryer, not to mention all of the products you added before, the ones you'll add after. How much is too much?
This is interesting because most of us don't even think about it. When we get up in the morning, we just just do what we've always done. But you do have to be careful, you don't want to cause long term damage to your hair or skin, just by going about your everyday routine..
This is interesting because most of us don't even think about it. When we get up in the morning, we just just do what we've always done. But you do have to be careful, you don't want to cause long term damage to your hair or skin, just by going about your everyday routine..
Curler: 3 seconds per section
all had the unfortunate experience of over-curling our eyelashes to the point
where the curl is more of a kink–not cute. The trick to avoiding crimped lashes
is to hold the curler in place for no longer than 3 seconds. If you use our
3-step method to curl your eyelashes, you can press down for up to three
seconds at each point.
Facial Cleansing Brush: 1 Minute
Personally, I have become my own victim on this one. Electric cleansing brushes are a lot more powerful than manual cleansing with your hands. It can be tempting to over do it because you are going for the baby soft to the touch texture, but it can cause long term damage if done too frequently. Your skin can become dry and more susceptible to damage because you are ridding it of its natural oils it uses to protect itself.
Iron: 3-7 seconds depending on hair type
easy to burn hair with these hot tools, especially if they are part of your
everyday routine. Try taking a day of two off once a week. Your hair will be
shinier, healthier, and have less split ends.
Straightener: a few seconds per section
The same thing applies with straightening, don't ever do it, you'll just end up with more hair damage. Is it really worth having nice hair for a day if it'll cause permanent split ends? Try adding a heat protectant daily to reduce damage.
As tempting as it can be to tack on a few extra seconds here and there, you really aren't benefiting from it. In fact your only hurting yourself. Burnt hair and dried out skin aren't worth it. You'll still receive the same benefits without the extra time, trust me.
Word count 390
8 money savers every girl should know
You may be tempted to blow your budget on unnecessary products you think you need, or throw away an item you think is used up. Don't.
There are a ton of inexpensive alternatives to name brand pricey high end products, and many tricks you can use to get the most of out the ones you already have.

1. One of my favorite dupes for makeup brush cleanser is Johnson's Baby Shampoo, you can buy this almost anywhere, it works just as well, and it costs almost nothing. A large bottle will last you months.
3. The hot water trick also works for getting the clumps out
of dried mascara. You can also add a few drops of saline to old mascara to make
it good as new.
4. Makeup remover wipes are great. Problem is…those makeup remover cloths are EXPEN$IVE!
Especially the big brand name ones. So for quite awhile now I’ve been buying
the cheapest, store brand ones. But ANOTHER problem is…the cheap ones are CHEAP
for a reason. They aren’t as soft and/or
moist as their more expensive rivals.

Word count: 399
There are a ton of inexpensive alternatives to name brand pricey high end products, and many tricks you can use to get the most of out the ones you already have.
1. One of my favorite dupes for makeup brush cleanser is Johnson's Baby Shampoo, you can buy this almost anywhere, it works just as well, and it costs almost nothing. A large bottle will last you months.
2. Get the last of any liquid makeup out of a tube using hot
water and a small container, like a contact case.
Reuse old brushes from more expensive brands in new bottles of
cheaper mascara. Just rinse your brush in hot water to get rid of
clumps and
you’re ready to go.
You can make your own:
Just take some paper towels, 4 cups of warm water, 1-2 tablespoons Coconut Oil. (1-2 squirts
of baby wash or your favorite face wash if you want, but it’s not necessary)
5. If your perfume is running low, pour the last drops into a
bottle of (unscented!) lotion to make it last longer.
6. Cut open bottles to get all the product you might be missing
otherwise. ***This is a huge one***
You never know how much is left that you cant see.
7. Fix broken eye shadows and pressed powders with a little
rubbing alcohol. Or, turn broken eye shadow into a custom nail color by mixing
the pigment with clear polish.
8. Beauty tools are a huge expense and add up quickly. Cut your makeup sponges and cotton rounds in half to get
more uses out of them, you'll quickly realise how much you've been wasting that you don't even use.
Word count: 399
Friday, October 3, 2014
Can wearing bright colors improve your mood?
Do you ever have those days where getting out of bed seems like the most impossible task on the planet earth? We all do. And when it comes to dressing myself on these days, it always seems easier to throw on a pair of dark jeans and a grey sweater. Something simple, something.. boring.
I mean the last thing I want to do is attempt a trendy outfit when I can hardly stand to shower in the morning.
Her experiences are not only motivational for other girls to start expressing themselves through their clothing, but raise an interesting question... Does changing your day to day wardrobe really have an effect on your mood?
I found this to be an entertaining research project,
here is what I came up with:
While it isn't directly proven that clothing we wear can effect the outcome of our emotions, what we do know is that there has been a long history of the use of color for therapy in ancient civilizations, this is known as chromotherapy. Red being used to stimulate the body and increase blood circulation, orange to increase energy levels, and so forth.
However, that being said, most modern psychologists are skeptical of the idea, especially of its lasting effects over long periods of time. But even if it is all "just in your head", does it really matter?
Even if you are skeptical of the idea, its worth a try.
As far as my personal experience goes, the difference is minimal, but not to be dismissed as irrelevant. I would say however, that my mood reflects not only in the colors of the pieces I'm wearing, but more in the cut, shape, and style of the pieces themselves. If I feel confident in a particular outfit, I don't think it would make a difference what color it is.
If you do tend to lean towards the side of a neutral color palette, its not hard to work bright pieces in with accessories. Your clothing choices should represent who you are, and you should be proud to wake up in the morning, open up your closet, and flaunt whatever it is you may choose to wear that day.
Word count: 422
I mean the last thing I want to do is attempt a trendy outfit when I can hardly stand to shower in the morning.
Liana Satenstein, a writer for vogue magazine, posted an article on this yesterday where she tells of her wardrobe "transformation" from a boring black and grey color scheme to mixing wide array of colors and textures to add personality to her outfits.
The article deserves a read, if you are interested I have it linked here.
I found this to be an entertaining research project,
While it isn't directly proven that clothing we wear can effect the outcome of our emotions, what we do know is that there has been a long history of the use of color for therapy in ancient civilizations, this is known as chromotherapy. Red being used to stimulate the body and increase blood circulation, orange to increase energy levels, and so forth.
However, that being said, most modern psychologists are skeptical of the idea, especially of its lasting effects over long periods of time. But even if it is all "just in your head", does it really matter?
Even if you are skeptical of the idea, its worth a try.
As far as my personal experience goes, the difference is minimal, but not to be dismissed as irrelevant. I would say however, that my mood reflects not only in the colors of the pieces I'm wearing, but more in the cut, shape, and style of the pieces themselves. If I feel confident in a particular outfit, I don't think it would make a difference what color it is.
If you do tend to lean towards the side of a neutral color palette, its not hard to work bright pieces in with accessories. Your clothing choices should represent who you are, and you should be proud to wake up in the morning, open up your closet, and flaunt whatever it is you may choose to wear that day.
Word count: 422
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
5 Minute Cat Eye
Cat eye eyeliner is a fun way to spice up your daily makeup routine. You can easily play it up for a formal outing. You can make it sultry for a night out, or you can keep it simple for day to day wear. Whatever you choose, there are a few basic steps to creating the look you desire.
As far as materials go, all you really need for the basic cat eye is either a black gel liner with a small angled brush, or a black eye pencil. Using liquid liner will create a look that will smudge less, but is harder to blend or fix mistakes. You'll also want to have some Q-tips readily available to fix smudging and to blend out your liner.
To start off, apply your mascara like you normally would. Once this is dry, draw a rough line using your black eye liner pencil along your upper lash line. It doesn't have to be perfect because you will be going over it later. If you have trouble with this, try gently pulling up on your eyelid to expose the skin further.
Next, if you are using gel liner, load up your brush. In order to keep clean lines, try flipping your brush back and forth in the product to get an even coating.
To find the angle you want for the "flick", follow your bottom lash line as if it would continue all the way to your brow bone and draw a line along that angle. Then go to the edge of the flick and pull it back along the lash line. You can see the way the makeup artist does this in the photo.
Use gentle strokes and remember to keep it small at first, you can always make it thicker and more intense after you get the general shape. Also try not to pull on your eyelid as you shape, it will distort the look of the cat eye when you move your finger. Just relax your eyes. If you make any mistakes just take a cotton bud and gently brush over the area.
When you are trying to get both eyes even, try placing a mirror on the table and look down as you fill them in to get a better angle.
When you have finished your cat eye, try blending some dark eye shadow in the crease of your eye to create depth and finish with a setting spray to help maintain the look all day.
Word count: 416
As far as materials go, all you really need for the basic cat eye is either a black gel liner with a small angled brush, or a black eye pencil. Using liquid liner will create a look that will smudge less, but is harder to blend or fix mistakes. You'll also want to have some Q-tips readily available to fix smudging and to blend out your liner.
To start off, apply your mascara like you normally would. Once this is dry, draw a rough line using your black eye liner pencil along your upper lash line. It doesn't have to be perfect because you will be going over it later. If you have trouble with this, try gently pulling up on your eyelid to expose the skin further.
Next, if you are using gel liner, load up your brush. In order to keep clean lines, try flipping your brush back and forth in the product to get an even coating.
Use gentle strokes and remember to keep it small at first, you can always make it thicker and more intense after you get the general shape. Also try not to pull on your eyelid as you shape, it will distort the look of the cat eye when you move your finger. Just relax your eyes. If you make any mistakes just take a cotton bud and gently brush over the area.
When you are trying to get both eyes even, try placing a mirror on the table and look down as you fill them in to get a better angle.
Word count: 416
Monday, September 29, 2014
How To Look FLAWLESS in School Pictures
Most people have trouble when preparing for picture day. Here's a few steps you can take to make sure you are ready for your flawless photo shoot.
1. Clear skin = confidence
Going into a picture knowing your skin is looking its best can really take the edge off. If you don't normally, start washing and moisturizing your face 2-3 weeks before the picture is scheduled to prep it. This helps ensure you won't have any bad break outs, dryness, or uneven skin tones.
2. Put together an outfit.
You can find something to wear that you already own, but buying something new is always fun. Make sure you select a shirt in a color that looks good on you. Also, choose something simple. No crazy colors or patterns. The pictures focus should be your face, not what you're wearing. You also want to stay away from anything that is too low cut, you don't need anything else to worry about when your getting your photo taken.
3. Style your hair.
Find something fun to do with your hair that you can practice the night before, You don't want to be scrambling in the morning, so make sure it's doable in a short period of time. You may want to choose something that brings your hair out of your face and eyes.
4. Photo-ready makeup.
Especially when it comes to school photos, you don't want to over do it. You will end up regretting it later. Go for something simple, and remember the basics: apply lip balm first to make sure your lips are moisturized and ready. Avoid using moisturizers or primers that contain SPF, because this reflects the light of the camera and can cause your face to appear whiter than the rest of your body. Use a matte powder to set your makeup to control shine, and stick with a neutral eye shadow palette. Make sure to fill in your brows with either an eye pencil or matte shadow. Last but not least, make sure to add a little more blush to your cheeks than normal. Flash photography can remove up to 20% of color and intensity from your makeup, and you want to avoid looking washed out, so blush away.
Word count: 373
1. Clear skin = confidence
Going into a picture knowing your skin is looking its best can really take the edge off. If you don't normally, start washing and moisturizing your face 2-3 weeks before the picture is scheduled to prep it. This helps ensure you won't have any bad break outs, dryness, or uneven skin tones.
2. Put together an outfit.
You can find something to wear that you already own, but buying something new is always fun. Make sure you select a shirt in a color that looks good on you. Also, choose something simple. No crazy colors or patterns. The pictures focus should be your face, not what you're wearing. You also want to stay away from anything that is too low cut, you don't need anything else to worry about when your getting your photo taken.
3. Style your hair.
Find something fun to do with your hair that you can practice the night before, You don't want to be scrambling in the morning, so make sure it's doable in a short period of time. You may want to choose something that brings your hair out of your face and eyes.
4. Photo-ready makeup.
Especially when it comes to school photos, you don't want to over do it. You will end up regretting it later. Go for something simple, and remember the basics: apply lip balm first to make sure your lips are moisturized and ready. Avoid using moisturizers or primers that contain SPF, because this reflects the light of the camera and can cause your face to appear whiter than the rest of your body. Use a matte powder to set your makeup to control shine, and stick with a neutral eye shadow palette. Make sure to fill in your brows with either an eye pencil or matte shadow. Last but not least, make sure to add a little more blush to your cheeks than normal. Flash photography can remove up to 20% of color and intensity from your makeup, and you want to avoid looking washed out, so blush away.
Word count: 373
Fall 2014 "Life Hacks"
Autumn has arrived, and with the new season comes new ways to make your life easier, so here's a few "life hacks" that you can feel free to take advantage of that put old things to good use.
If you're like me, I love burning candles, especially during the fall. When the candle has been used up, don't throw away the old container, put it to new use. Freeze the jar for a few hours, then remove the remaining wax and wick. Rinse it out and you are left with a handy glass jar that you can multi-purpose into a container that can hold Q-tips or cotton balls. If you're feeling festive, take some Mod Podge and some glitter and turn it into a decor piece as well.
Coffee Ice Cubes?
If you're not into watered down coffee, an easy solutions awaits you. Fill an ice cube tray will coffee mix stirred with water, and pop it in the freezer. Next time you need some quick caffeine, just throw 4-5 cubes into a glass of milk or extra coffee and you're good to go.
When they melt, they won't water down your delicious drink.
If you ever need a pair of leg warmers and don't have time to go shopping, just check your closet. Chances are you have a few old sweaters laying around that you haven't worn in ages. It's not hard to turn these old clothes into something new and wearable. Just cut the sleeves off and fold over the ends to create a brand new pair of leg warmers! Leg warmers are stylish and functional, especially for the fall season!
Then if you still find yourself in the mood to DIY, you can take the torso of the sweater and make it into a scarf with a few more cuts.
Another easy trick I use during the fall season, especially when I get too busy to hang up all of my washed clothes, is using my straightening iron to tidy up my wrinkly shirts before school. It takes less than 2 minutes and saves you from dragging out the ironing board.
Hope you enjoyed these fun fall do-it-yourself hacks. Enjoy the new season and the upcoming fashion and makeup trends.
Word count: 377
A Guide to Good Brows
Full brows have been the trend the past few seasons, but now that we've grown them out, we still need to keep them tidy. Color and shape both play a large roll in getting that perfect eyebrow look you are striving for.
A good start is always to get your eyebrows professionally shaped by someone who can give you advice on what works for your face shape, skin tone, and hair color.
Tweeze, wax, or thread? Whatever your preferred method is to care for your brows, they each have their own upsides and downfalls.
Tweezing is a great option for girls into DIY beauty because it can be done easily and completely at home with just a pair of tweezers, this is also the most cost effective method. You can use a brow pencil to get a general shape, then tweeze around that. The downfalls include some semi-perminant results. It is important to be conservative when shaping your brows because, unlike a bad haircut, the hair wont always grow back. Stay away from magnifying mirrors. They get too close and you tend to over do the plucking.
Threading creates a more natural finish because you work closer with the hairs. Its also faster than tweezing each hair individually, an easy way to amp up your shape. But while this technique can offer an undone effect similar to tweezing, it can cause for some reckless hair removal and also requires a visit to a beauty salon, which can be more pricey in the long run.
Waxing out of all three methods tends to be the most permanent, It leaves sharp, clean lines, which, depending on your preference, could be a good or bad thing. This method is great for a girl who is always busy and doesn't have time to care for her brows day to day. Or if you tend to have thicker and coarser hair because it encourages thinner, softer regrowth. The obvious con of waxing is the red patches it leaves behind for a short period of time after treatment. This may or may not be a problem for you depending on how soon afterwards you are looking to go out and show off. This also tends to only be a problem for people who have more sensitive skin types.
Whatever method you choose, it always helps to fill in with a little color and a brow comb to give them an added boost!
Word count: 406
A good start is always to get your eyebrows professionally shaped by someone who can give you advice on what works for your face shape, skin tone, and hair color.
Tweeze, wax, or thread? Whatever your preferred method is to care for your brows, they each have their own upsides and downfalls.
Tweezing is a great option for girls into DIY beauty because it can be done easily and completely at home with just a pair of tweezers, this is also the most cost effective method. You can use a brow pencil to get a general shape, then tweeze around that. The downfalls include some semi-perminant results. It is important to be conservative when shaping your brows because, unlike a bad haircut, the hair wont always grow back. Stay away from magnifying mirrors. They get too close and you tend to over do the plucking.
Threading creates a more natural finish because you work closer with the hairs. Its also faster than tweezing each hair individually, an easy way to amp up your shape. But while this technique can offer an undone effect similar to tweezing, it can cause for some reckless hair removal and also requires a visit to a beauty salon, which can be more pricey in the long run.
Waxing out of all three methods tends to be the most permanent, It leaves sharp, clean lines, which, depending on your preference, could be a good or bad thing. This method is great for a girl who is always busy and doesn't have time to care for her brows day to day. Or if you tend to have thicker and coarser hair because it encourages thinner, softer regrowth. The obvious con of waxing is the red patches it leaves behind for a short period of time after treatment. This may or may not be a problem for you depending on how soon afterwards you are looking to go out and show off. This also tends to only be a problem for people who have more sensitive skin types.
Whatever method you choose, it always helps to fill in with a little color and a brow comb to give them an added boost!
Word count: 406
Sleeping Beauty
Ever want to wake up to a firmer complexion or a more even skin tone, maybe even healthier hair? Sounds more like a dream I'm sure, but its not entirely impossible.
At night, skin is more susceptible to treatments, such as those that even skin tone, because it is doing less work to protect itself from other elements such as the sun. In additions, vitamin C becomes deactivated in sunlight. To fade spots, try Garnier Skin Renew Dark Spot Overnight Peel. ($17 in Drugstores)
The worst thing you can do to your hair is sleep with it wet. Wet hair is extremely fragile. To avoid damaging the ends, try wrapping it up in a t-shirt instead of a towel. Also, using satin pillow cases allows hair to slip with movement and has a slimmer chance of being damaged during sleep.
And even hair that is already dry can benefit from being moisturized. Post shower, try using a leave-in moisturizing treatment. This gives the product all night to "work its magic". Try L'Oreal Professionnel Liss Ultime Smoothing night Treatment (around $35), which can be applied to damp or dry hair.
Your elbows, hands, heels, and knees often get forgotten about, especially when it comes time for bed. These areas tend to be dry already, and not keeping them nourished will only hurt you in your sleep. Before bed, try applying a body lotion that contains moisturizing elements as well as gentle exfoliate acids. This clears the way for the moisture to completely soak into your skin. Eucerin Intensive Repair Very Dry Skin Lotion ($12; drugstores) is cheep and works amazing.
Its every girls dream to wake up with her under eyes bright and ready for the day. These dark areas can have many causes ranging from sun damage to blood pooling in the skin under your eyes while you sleep. In this case, you want to strengthen and plum the skin using some thing that contains collagen-stimulating peptides. Mary Kay TimeWise Repair Volu-Firm Eye Renewal Cream ($40) works for this, even though it tends to be a little pricey, its worth it in the long run.
Of course we can leave out the feet in all of this.. For a pampering overnight treatment, apply Vaseline to the soles of your feet and put on socks before you sleep. The socks help bind the moisture to your feet and you’ll wake up to soft, smooth soles.
Word count: 404
At night, skin is more susceptible to treatments, such as those that even skin tone, because it is doing less work to protect itself from other elements such as the sun. In additions, vitamin C becomes deactivated in sunlight. To fade spots, try Garnier Skin Renew Dark Spot Overnight Peel. ($17 in Drugstores)
The worst thing you can do to your hair is sleep with it wet. Wet hair is extremely fragile. To avoid damaging the ends, try wrapping it up in a t-shirt instead of a towel. Also, using satin pillow cases allows hair to slip with movement and has a slimmer chance of being damaged during sleep.
And even hair that is already dry can benefit from being moisturized. Post shower, try using a leave-in moisturizing treatment. This gives the product all night to "work its magic". Try L'Oreal Professionnel Liss Ultime Smoothing night Treatment (around $35), which can be applied to damp or dry hair.
Your elbows, hands, heels, and knees often get forgotten about, especially when it comes time for bed. These areas tend to be dry already, and not keeping them nourished will only hurt you in your sleep. Before bed, try applying a body lotion that contains moisturizing elements as well as gentle exfoliate acids. This clears the way for the moisture to completely soak into your skin. Eucerin Intensive Repair Very Dry Skin Lotion ($12; drugstores) is cheep and works amazing.
Its every girls dream to wake up with her under eyes bright and ready for the day. These dark areas can have many causes ranging from sun damage to blood pooling in the skin under your eyes while you sleep. In this case, you want to strengthen and plum the skin using some thing that contains collagen-stimulating peptides. Mary Kay TimeWise Repair Volu-Firm Eye Renewal Cream ($40) works for this, even though it tends to be a little pricey, its worth it in the long run.
Of course we can leave out the feet in all of this.. For a pampering overnight treatment, apply Vaseline to the soles of your feet and put on socks before you sleep. The socks help bind the moisture to your feet and you’ll wake up to soft, smooth soles.
Word count: 404
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